This week again, since I was very busy helping my daughter with her school projects, and helping my family up North, I really didn't have time to do the photo prompts this week. Instead, I am finally posting about our trip up North to Prescott from last weekend.
First on our way up, I stopped at the new Natural Grocers in Scottsdale. When we entered, there was a very nice size classroom, where there was a class going on about healthy Back to School snacks for children. Immediately in front is what I thought was a little on the small size , compared to Whole Foods, or Sprouts produce department. Behind that was the Vitamin, Supplement and Holistic Living section with Essential oils, tinctures, and herbal remedies. I was impressed with the size of this department, as there seemed to be more here than other natural grocery stores. What really impressed me, and some of you may think me a little strange, but if you love and eat eggs as much as our family does, ok, for instance, on the weekends, either I pick up or my husband picks up the rest of our chickens' eggs, that I wasn't able to collect when I go out to my in laws, where are chickens are, so instead I bought a dozen eggs, just regular eggs, not organic, not free range. With the bird flu that is causing the price increase for eggs, that is said to bring the price for a dozen eggs up to $6, I paid close to $4. The natural free range eggs at Natural Grocers, cost the exact same amount. I'll update this post with a link to a review to follow.
At my mother's house, the girls and I were checking out her backyard garden, while Josh took a nap.
Apples cascading down her tree.
Look at the size of this Pumpkin blossom.
Mine are struggling in this heat wave, but I do have one strong survivor!
My mom has a bountiful supply of Yellow Pear tomatoes that were bursting with flavor!
One of my mother's Sunflower blossoms. I can't wait to see how beautiful they are when they open up within the next couple of weeks!
The pink rose up top is from one of her rose bushes.
On Sunday, I took the kids antique shopping. I've been to most of the Antinque stores around Prescott's downtown square, but I was looking for a new place to check out.
I asked, dear, sweet Rue,
for suggestions, and she highly recommended Merchandise Mart.
I asked, dear, sweet Rue,
for suggestions, and she highly recommended Merchandise Mart.
This store is amazing. It was almost like walking into a museum or taking a trip back through time. The girls had fun checking out all the vintage clothes, and Josh was amazed to see a record player and a type writer. Lindsay loved all the vintage Pyrex dishes. I loved looking at all the milk glass and if I were to start a collection of something it would be Roosters.
Katelyn plays the viola, and adored this sweet needlepoint chair cushion.
When we drink soda, it's Pepsi, but it just happens that Josh loves Coca-Cola, and
wanted to take these glasses home with us.
One item I did pick up, was this beautiful Indiana marigold Carnival iridescent grape leaf candy dish, that was half off. I found one similar on Ebay.
My mother gifted me with another Marigold iridescent bowl of hers to go with it, as well as an iridescent vase . So starts my vintage iridescent collection.
I'd mentioned before about the poor lighting in the house, so I am on the search for some interesting lighting for the house, and this caught my eye for the entrance to the Master Bedroom.
If it ever goes on Sale! *wink*

With it being Labor Day weekend, I am most likely going back up again this weekend to help again finish moving, and then my family is coming back down here on Monday for a barbecue get together.
Here is to the start of a great week!
Until next time!

If you enjoyed this trip to Prescott,
You can check out
Prescott Part 3

Sharing at these Parties!
My mother gifted me with another Marigold iridescent bowl of hers to go with it, as well as an iridescent vase . So starts my vintage iridescent collection.
I'd mentioned before about the poor lighting in the house, so I am on the search for some interesting lighting for the house, and this caught my eye for the entrance to the Master Bedroom.
If it ever goes on Sale! *wink*

With it being Labor Day weekend, I am most likely going back up again this weekend to help again finish moving, and then my family is coming back down here on Monday for a barbecue get together.
Here is to the start of a great week!
Until next time!

If you enjoyed this trip to Prescott,
You can check out
Prescott Part 3

Sharing at these Parties!